Monday, October 6, 2008

Assignment 4 : Stop Gambling

Changes made after Mr Alfred said that "Stop gambling" was too tacky. I changed the font so that it would fit the theme of "burning".

Poster Design : Save, prevent, kill
–Pick a topic related to the theme (e.g.. Save forest, kill mosquitoes, save singlish, stop pollution etc.)
–Write a copy (text which goes on poster) of not more than 150 words
–Design the poster such that it coveys the meaning through layout (placement of visual elements - photos, text, graphics elements etc)
–Size of the artwork: A3
–Submissions should be in the form of colour print out.

–Understanding the importance of basic visual elements and design principles in communicating a message
–Developing necessary techniques to communicate the message through form

I chose Gambling as my theme. In my opinion, out of all the effects of gambling (financial difficulties etc), the loss of families and relationship is the most appalling side effect to me. Hence i wanted to potray the effect of losing your family due to gambling in this poster.
I used a background that resembles a fire due to the line "burnt your fingers from gambling", and also because warm colors like yellow and orange is eye catching.
The Silhouette shows a women with her child leaving her husband which is a compulsive gambler. The women is walking out of the door and into the "light" by leaving him, and it is too late for regret.

This is the rough.

I originally wanted to do a poster on domestic violence. But gave up since i couldn't recreat the bruises on the hands.